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Token Name: Shifu
Token Ticker: SHIFU
Contract Address: 0x2CC7A972ebC1865B346085655f929AbFa74CD4dC
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Blockchain: Ethereum and Shibarium
30,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (30% of total supply) will be allocated for the Community Airdrop.
Vesting: 50% unlocked at TGE, remaining 50% released linearly over 4 weeks.
Snapshot Date: To be announced shortly.
Community Holders Airdrop (22%)
22,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (22% of total supply) allocated for holders of $SHIB and $BUBBLE.
Eligibility: Own 100,000 $SHIB and 100 $BUBBLE for every allocation slot.
Click here for more details.
SHIB Community Airdrop (4%)
4,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (4% of total supply) allocated to the SHIB community as follows:
$LEASH Holders: 2%
$BONE Holders: 1%
Games Allocation: 0.5%
NFT Holders: 0.5%
Click here for more details.
BUBBLE Community Airdrop (4%)
4,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (4% of total supply) will be allocated for the BUBBLE community.
Click here for more details.
Liquidity Pool / CEX (25%)
25,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (25% of total supply) allocated to provide liquidity on DEXs and CEXs.
Public Pre-Sale (15%)
15,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (15% of total supply) allocated for the public pre-sale.
Purpose: 100% of the funds raised will be used for liquidity provision.
Vesting: 100% unlocked at TGE.
Details: Public pre-sale date to be announced soon.
10,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (10% of total supply) will be allocated for marketing initiatives.
• Purpose: Funding marketing campaigns, partnerships, collaborations with KOLs, and more.
• Vesting: 50% unlocked at TGE, with the remaining 50% released linearly over 4 weeks.
20,000,000,000 SHIFU tokens (20% of total supply) will be allocated to the treasury.
• Purpose: To support the long-term growth and sustainability of the SHIFU ecosystem.
• Vesting: 30% unlocked at TGE, with the remaining 70% released linearly over 4 weeks.